Saturday, April 16, 2011

Last call for Team Squeaker 2011!

Do you want to help ensure fewer babies have to start their lives like this?

Do you want to see that same little baby cross the finish line on his own two feet for the first time?

Join Bryce, ^Chloe^, friends and family this May Day for the 2011 March for Babies! Thank you to the many past supporters who have already committed to the walk or a donation for this year. If you're still on the fence, here are seven great reasons to participate:

1. History of Good Works: With the money raised last year, March of Dimes was able to provide comfort and information to thousands more families with a baby in newborn intensive care. And your March for Babies funds paid for 40 current and six new research grants to help understand and prevent premature birth.

2. Cost: There is no cost to join us for the walk on May 1st. You do not need to donate or fundraise to participate. If money is tight right now, show your support by coming out and walking with us! If you want to make a nominal contribution, March of Dimes considers a "paid" walker (covers their costs) to be anyone who contributes or raises $10 or more.

3. Location: Team Squeaker will be participating in the St. Paul walk at the same great location (Phalen Park) as last year! (

4. Food: March of Dimes will be providing some food for the walkers, and we'll be hosting a potluck-style lunch for Team Squeaker walkers after the event!

5. Swag: March of Dimes provides t-shirts ($200), sweatshirts/Twins tickets ($1000) and other incentives to top fundraisers. Bryce will also be handing out tokens of appreciation to Team Squeaker supporters who raise or donate $50 or more.

6. Weather: The walk is a week later this year, so hopefully we won't be subjected to the cool temperatures and stiff winds of last year!

7. A Great Cause: Most importantly, we walk to honor Bryce, Chloe and all of the other children/angels who didn't even get to experience life before they had to fight to keep it. I'm not a fan of fundraising or being the center of attention, but if my efforts keep even one baby out of the NICU, it's worth it. I hope you agree.

Sign up or donate today! : Print this post

1 comment:

  1. This would have made a great commercial for the March of Dimes. It is awesome!
