Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving thanks



Happy six-month birthday Bryce and Chloe! On this day in May, you made your debut in this world in spectacular fashion. When we met, you couldn't greet us with so much as a whimper because of the breathing tube that was hastily forced down your throat, and your tiny hands were hardly the size of my thumbnail. I had read that a preemie's head can be as small as a lemon, and I remember standing at your isolettes thinking, "A lemon? God, I wish their heads were the size of a lemon. They're closer to the size of a golf ball." We were surrounded by doctors, none of whom could tell us whether you'd survive the next hour, and we knew that, even in the best case, we'd spend the next eight years worrying about the long-term effects of your prematurity. And yet, none of that mattered. We were irrevocably bonded to you at 11:30 AM on that fine spring day, and your Mommy and I both agreed that we were going to do everything in our power to provide you with a chance to enjoy that which we've come to appreciate so deeply: life. We've never regretted that decision for even one minute, and I know that we never will. Love you, Squeaker. Love you, Princess.

It is oddly fitting that the twins' half-year birthday happened to fall on Thanksgiving, because it is an event which has redefined how I experience life in ways that I am profoundly grateful for. Yes, 2009 has been a year of great heartache and anxiety for our family. Do I wish things would've turned out differently? Absolutely. However, I think it sometimes takes an event of this magnitude to strip away all the noise and reveal the fundamental joys of human existence. It certainly has given me a much deeper appreciation for many aspects of my life, and I'm especially grateful for the people in my life who give each day meaning.

Today, I'd like to extend a special thanks to a few of those who've touched our lives in unexpected or profound ways during the past six months. This list is by no means exhaustive, so I hope no one will feel overlooked. We're very grateful for each and every card, e-mail, visit, gift and other kindness, no matter how great or small.

Thank you, Paul, for not giving up on our little girl, even after the writing was on the wall. Those fifteen minutes were priceless.

Thank you, Sally, for always going the extra mile for Bryce.

Thank you, to those special NICU nurses, for patiently fielding calls from two very anxious parents and for caring about (as well as for) our little ones.

Thank you, Chuck, for always being there with a smile and a prayer.

Thank you, Rachel, for shielding us from that mountain of paperwork and those insufferable insurance people.

Thank you, Poozie, for spending enough time at our house to qualify as a voter in Anoka county. Logan is blessed to have a Nana who loves him so much.

Thank you, Logan's babysitting crew, for providing a loving and stable home for him while we were away.

Thank you, Sarah V., for your dedication to Logan. You were much more than just a babysitter to him.

Thank you, ARCC, for honoring Chloe with a charity book drive. We were deeply touched by the gesture.

Thank you, Ryan @ Mueller-Bies, for handling a delicate matter so admirably. You're a credit to your profession.

Thank you, Grandma Marlene, for ensuring that our fridge is always well stocked with delicious homemade food. When I offer Logan Kraft Mac N' Cheese, he now says "No, Gamma Mac N' Cheese".

Thank you, Grandpa Duane, for taking such an active interest in learning about the twins and their care.

Thank you, Grandma S., for your kind words of wisdom and support.

Thank you, Logan, for being the heart of this family.

Thank you, Chloe, for brightening our lives with your presence, then and now.

Thank you, Bryce, for tenaciously defying the odds. Every time they told us to expect the worst, you showed us that we should never count you out. Keep up the good work.

Happy Thanksgiving! Print this post

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