Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cautiously optimistic (75 days)

Bryce's eye doctor stopped by today for the first of his weekly follow-up exams. As of this morning, everything looks good: the healthy vessels appear to be growing, and the abnormal vessels seem to be receding. However, the doc told us last week that we'd have to wait two weeks before she could accurately assess the effect of the surgery, so we're hoping that we'll be able to announce unprecedented success next Sunday! ;P

Thanks to this miserable cold, I've been cheering Bryce on vicariously for the past three days. Christie has done a great job acting as my eyes and ears, although we've learned that photography is not her forte, so I'm afraid our readers will have to wait a couple more days for another glimpse of those increasingly chubby cheeks. Corrected age of 35 weeks on Tuesday -- nursing for real should start this week! Print this post

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray for Bryce. Thank you for the updates...You and Christie make a wonderful Team;) Feel better soon!!
