Sunday, July 19, 2009

Three pounds! (54 days)

TSIA (Title Says It All)

Seriously, the days are starting to blend together. Bryce's routine goes something like this: (1) eat (2) sleep (3) stop breathing (4) wake up (5) poop (6) back to step 1. It's almost like he's a real baby! Now we just need him to get a little bigger so we can eliminate step 3. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Bryce IS a real baby! We saw him in person on Sunday. We heard him cry, we saw him yawn, we felt his contentment to snuggle on Mommy. His parents seemed to be "ten feet tall" They are strong,happy,loving and exude a cautious confidence that "all will be well!"
    In this environment this precious 3 lb. million dollar baby will know success!
