Monday, September 7, 2009

Anticipation (104 days)

It's shaping up to be a pretty busy week for Mr. Bryce. Today, big brother Logan visited for the first time since he moved to a crib, and the nurse snapped our first family photo (don't worry, no one's sick -- Logan is required to wear a mask and Christie wore one so he'd be more comfortable). During the next few days, Bryce is scheduled for a follow-up eye exam, brain scan, renal ultrasound and car seat trial. The latter, in which they test whether he can tolerate sitting up for extended periods by strapping Bryce into his car seat and wheeling him around the hospital for an hour, is one of the last steps before going home.

Tomorrow, they're going to start him on ad-lib feedings; instead of forcing Bryce to eat every three hours, he'll be allowed to nurse/bottle on demand. If he can demonstrate the ability to grow (i.e., gain weight), he will have satisfied all of the discharge criteria. Finally, Christie and I have scheduled the "overnight room" for the day on Wednesday. This will give us the opportunity to practice independently caring for Bryce while the nurses are only a few feet away.

If you've made it this far and still haven't picked up on my subtle hints, last week's doctor left the following note for the incoming doctor in Bryce's file: "Home at the end of the week?" Only Bryce knows the answer to that question, but we are hoping, praying, begging, pleading and cautiously optimistic that he won't see his shadow; the last thing we need is another six weeks of NICU. :) Print this post


  1. What a great family photo! Since students and many others are wearing masks these days, your family fits right in. We enjoy your storyline so much. When there is a threat to Bryce, we light a candle and quickly pray a rosary for him.
    Your optimism is grand. We hope Bryce is home very soon. God bless your beautiful family and keep all of you safe.
    Love, blessings and prayers,

    G & G

  2. Yeah TeamSonnek!!! We are all cheering you on in what we pray will be the "Home" stretch :) We will be anxiously awaiting the results of the exams -- continue to WOW us Bryce!
    LOVE the family picture!!!
    Your family is in my prayers.
    P.S. Remember...I want to take Bryce's picture for the wall :)
